Lawn Boost

lawn boost

LAWN BOOST a kickstart for healthy lawns after the winter weather

Why Choose Lawn Boost?

VIANO LAWN BOOST 16-3-8 (+2MgO) + 1Fe + bacteria

Viano Lawn Boost with added magnesium and iron which gives good strong green colour. It stimulates healthy growth and helps to protect the grass against disease and drought. Lawn Boost is the ideal treatment to give your lawn a quick start after the winter weather and keep it healthy throughout the growing season. Viano Lawn Boost will produce a strong grass plant with a good rooting structure, which can out compete weeds, moss and diseases. Leaving you with a rich green lawn which will withstand hard play.

The ideal treatment to kickstart the lawn following winter, Lawn Boost can be applied throughout spring and summer. It contains added magnesium and iron that encourage healthy growth, characterised by a vibrant green colour and strong grass plants. Additional benefits include good drought and disease resistance, whilst the bacteria found in Lawn Boost will convert thatch into nourishing plant feed which lasts for up to 100 days.

Being organic-based, Lawn Boost will not scorch your lawn when applied correctly, even if it does not rain. It does, however, require rain or irrigation to activate the product if no rain occurs for a week after application.

If your lawn does have an issue with moss, please apply MO Bacter first before giving it an application of Lawn Boost.

A 10kg bag will cover approx. 200 sq metres